The School Packs Project has adapted in recent years to accommodate the demands posed by COVID. Despite the challenges, we are proud to say that we have been able to support W.A. grandparents raising their grandchildren with essential school stationery supplies every year since 2017
Our aim is to assist grandchildren being raised by their grandparents in WA by providing much-needed stationery supplies in readiness for the start of the school year.
In 2022, we have provided $12,500 worth of stationery gift cards, and $4000 worth of stationery in beautiful tote bags to grandcarers. This will enable grandchildren to start the 2023 school year with the stationery they need for learning.
HUGE thanks to the people who sew, collect, sort, pack and deliver. And to these incredible organisations:
Soroptimists of South Perth #SoroptimistAtWork
Stan Perron Charitable Foundation #stanperronfoundation
And to the Grandcare team at #wanslea who assist in the distribution of packs.
Grandparents with full time care of their grandchildren play such an important role in our community- we see you and we thank you. It’s time for government to provide more support to the grandcarers in our community. Let’s get behind grandcarers, recognise them, and thank them
Visit the School Packs Project Facebook page for full details.