Beanies for the Homeless

This project is now in its eighth year and continues to grow, with enthusiastic support from other Soroptimist clubs, craft groups, social groups and many individuals. Beanies, scarves and blankets are knitted, sewn or crocheted by caring hands and distributed to varies agencies and shelters during June. Last year nearly 600 beanies were distributed along with scarves, blankets, children’s jumpers and socks.

Together we aim to make a difference by giving a small, but welcome gift of warmth to a homeless person. A beanie is something personal, a new gift that is easy to transport, not lost easily as it’s on one’s head, and it keeps the wearer warm in both winter and summer when doing it tough sleeping on concrete or under the starts.

If you would like to contribute to this project, email us at or visit our Facebook page.