SI South Perth members attended the UN Women IWD Breakfast at PCEC and were delighted to host eight female students from our local schools.
The guest speakers were Sonali Hedditch (Coordinator of UN Women’s Second Chance Education Program), Luz Restrepo (CEO, Sisterworks) and Wendy Yarnold (CEO, Real Futures). The speakers participated in a heart-warming and thought-provoking panel discussion with Natalie Ahmat (Presenter, NITV News and SBS) on UN Women’s pioneering Second Chance Education program. The Second Chance Education program is unlocking learning and earning pathways for migrant and refugee women, and indigenous women in Australia and six other countries.
It was a great morning with a great theme – Generation Equality – a call to action to join forces across generations to create a world where every girl and woman has an equal opportunity to fulfil their full potential.